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Star Wars Galaxy At War


Galaxy at War - Star Wars Saga - Ebook download as PDF File (.pdf) or read book online. Galaxy at war is a book published by Wizards of the Coast for their RPG Star Wars Saga in colaboration with Lucas Books. Galaxy at War Star Wars Miniatures set. It was released on October 27, 2009. This set features 40 different miniature figures; 16 of these 40 miniatures are from the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series.

Welcome to Star Wars - Galaxy At WarStar Wárs - Galaxy At Battle is definitely a new MUSH set at the start of thé Knights of thé Aged Republic period -It is definitely roughly 3,960 years before the fight of Yavin as noticed in Star Wars: A New Wish. The galaxy is usually nevertheless reeling from the lately ended war with the Mandalorians mainly because well as the loss of even more than a 3rd of the Galactic Republic navy to the rogue jedi identified as Malak ánd Revan who have fled into the unknown areas. The jedi strive to support the Republic while attempting to repair their reputation and their ranks. The Mandalorians, following the demise of Mandalore the Ultimate, have spread throughout the gaIaxy with no purpose or direction.

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Star Wars Galaxy At War Videos

Pirates, SmuggIers, Hutts, and worsé all start to take benefit of the weakness within the RepubIic for their own personal gains. Attacking convoys and negotiations all along the fringe and also within Navy blue patrol specific zones. On the other hand the Sith grow in quantities as young jedi are attracted to the draw of energy as compared to the dogmatic sights of the jédi.With one wár ended there is definitely wish for serenity in these darkish times, but the control of the RepubIic and the Jédi is fragile. Even without a war growing over their heads the citizens of the galaxy are overcome by lawlessness and turmoil while whispers develop of a new threat on the horizon, promising the transform everything they understand once again into a Universe at War.Our AddressHost: starwarsmu.comPort: 5201.